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Success Stories

No more: chronic fatigue, 
severe depression and pain!

Sarah I. 

"I feel so much better!" No more joint pain, neurological issues, autoimmune symptoms.

Amy O.

Cholesterol down to normal levels.
No more anemia.

Valerie B.

Complete relief from life-long eczema.

Candace C.

Significant reduction of migraines & medications, healed liver, increased energy.

Mara P.

Lung recovered and full mobility in foot for the first time after nerve injury ten years ago.

Molly B.

Increased kidney function,
no more skin issues.

Marcy B.

Increased mobility and energy. Significant reduction of chronic pain.

Tiffany W.

200% improvement in energy and pain levels

I was diagnosed with Lupus about 40 years ago. Over this period of time I experienced all the symptoms described on any website: extreme pain, fatigue, weakness, brain fog, disrupted sleep, and depression - and the list goes on. I was seeing MDs, specialists, chiropractors and acupuncturists with periodic relief. But I never felt good. Prednisone worked occasionally but until I met Corry I had no idea I could regain my feeling of total well-being.


Corry taught me about the nature of the disease-like symptoms of Lupus and Fibromyalgia. With a new understanding of how my body works, and Corry's information about “cause-and-effect” and how to avoid and eliminate the dangerous causes, I now have a new lease on life.


So far I’ve lost 11 pounds, have lots of energy, and only minor pain. Corry’s guidance has changed my life. She is an excellent communicator with a loving nature who can express things in a magical way - I constantly found myself having “Eureka” moments.


Every benefit Corry described has come true for me. The detoxification worked exactly as I’d hoped, and even better. I have no more earaches, congestion, or phlegm. My kidneys are working the way they should. I have a 200% improvement in my energy level. My diet has completely changed for the better and is one I believe I can continue for the rest of my life, unlike other programs I’ve tried in the past. I am so much happier!


Help from Corry has been a privilege and a blessing. Words cannot describe my gratitude.



- Susan R.

No more high blood pressure, low energy, heart palpitations

and high toxicity.

"My blood pressure was really high, I had no energy, was feeling bloated, was experiencing heart palpitations and feeling crappy overall. After only a couple of weeks of nutritional therapy and regenerative detox with Corry I have lost 6 healthy pounds, my blood pressure has come down, and my gut feels and looks flatter. I have more energy and my skin looks better too. I feel so much better. 


I have placed a lot on Ms. Lang's plate as I have A LOT of health issues, but she has proven that anything is possible. This coach sure knows her stuff!! What a talented, inspirational and intelligent woman. I am so grateful to have her in my life and how she just genuinely cares."



- Lydia G.

Full nerve regrowth & mobility in right foot,
right lung recovered after 10-year injury

I started working with Corry because I had low energy and I knew there were things that I wanted to detox from. in just a few weeks I got so much better! The first change I noticed was routine daily elimination. After a few weeks I was able to fully curl my toes on the eg where I had nerve damage from a 10-year-old injury. I didn't even know that my toes weren't moving fully but when the inflammation in my body reduced, my nerves started repairing themselves. My energy, agility and athletic performance increased so suddenly that the people I train with commented on it.


My right lung was not expanding when I breathed in like the left side was, another lingering effect of the 10-year-old injury. After 6 weeks of working with Corry, I inhaled fully into my right lug for the first time in 10 years.


 I used to have a constant burning sensation in the muscles around my right ribs but now my ribs are moving as the lung under them is fully functioning again, and the pain has dissolved.


Corry kept in close contact with me through the detox process and helped me pace my diet change and the herbal supplements so I never felt uncomfortable with detox system, and the detox never interfered with my normal life. She also led me through meditation sessions throughout the detox which helped me reconnect with my body.


As a result of being injured I had detached from my body in order to push through pain every day. The meditations I had done before meeting Corry was focusing on a mantra or visualizing something, never just being in my body. But Corry led me through a chakra meditation which had me focus on power and energy that I have always had available to me in my body that I was just unaware of. I am very happy I chose to work with Corry and for the healing she helped me bring to my body.



- Molly B.

Kidney disease stage III reversed.
No more eczema, diverticulitis and acid reflux.

"When I started working with Corry, I had just been diagnosed with kidney disease stage III. My kidneys weren’t functioning very well. I was worried about dialysis. And after dialysis there may be a kidney transplant. But now that isn’t a concern for me anymore.

I didn’t have a lot of energy and I was in pain. I used to get tired from doing yoga, or from walking. I have a lot more energy now. I can exercise and not feel tired.


I don't have any more eczema, acid reflux and diverticulitis. Since I was a child, I had irritable bowel disease. I had to wear a sanitary pad at all times plus always had to know where the nearest restroom was in case I had diarrhea. All that has stopped now.

I've had high blood pressure since I was in my forties. That has changed too since I started working with Corry. 


My husband said that the transformation has been amazing because I'm so much happier. I'm smiling more. My whole demeanor has improved. I've got new hair growth and my nails are in better condition. And I have lost about 17 pounds. My husband wants to detox now too. I would recommend to anyone that they work with Corry." 



Trish Y.

Disclaimer: Your level of success in attaining to heal yourself depends on several factors, such as your motivation, commitment, and actions. Since these factors differ depending on each individual I cannot guarantee your success, nor am I responsible for any of
your actions. Results may vary. All sales are final.

200% improvement in energy and pain levels!" (After having lupus for 40 years)

Susan Rehling - Retired Systems Analyst

From "incurable" to normal energy, no brain fog and a renewed social life

Amandine Scotti - Executive Coach

"Huge change! Feeling like
my old self again!"

Magda Dunn - Certified Online Business Manager

No more fatigue & brain fog.
No more digestive issues.

Bianca Hur - Psychologist

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